
Estate Planning

Ensure your family's wealth is passed on to the next generation.

Personal Management Trust

Enjoy peace of mind that your assets will be preserved and passed on to your loved ones according to your wishes. Personal Management Trust is a living trust agreement wherein Chinabank Trust and Asset Management Group (CBC-TAMG) acts as Trustee to manage a portion of your wealth or estate for your own and/or your beneficiaries’ financial security. 


  • A portfolio designed according to your wealth distribution objectives, assigning  your designated beneficiary/ies to ensure fair and equitable distribution based on your instructions
  • Access to a wide range of financial instruments to maximize returns on investment as well as to diversify risk
  • Professional fund management
  • Dedicated Trust Relationship Officer

Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust

Chinabank Trust and Asset Management Group (CBC-TAMG) as your trustee shall manage and distribute the proceeds of your life insurance policy to your irrevocable beneficiary/ies in accordance with your wishes as embodied in the agreement. 


  • Takes the burden of filing claims away from the heirs
  • Ensures the management and disposition of proceeds faithfully comply with the client’s wishes
  • Protects the interests of minors/incompetent beneficiaries 

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