Initial Deposit Requirement: P 5,000
Minimum Monthly Average Daily Balance Requirement: P 5,000
Minimum Balance to Earn Interest: 10,000
Comes with: Passbook
Interest Rate*: 0.125% per annum, subject to 20% withholding tax
*Same rate applies to savings account with Automatic Transfer Arrangement
Deposits are insured by PDIC up to P500,000 per depositor.
Initial Deposit Requirement: P 20,000
Minimum Monthly Average Daily Balance Requirement: P 20,000
Minimum Balance to Earn Interest: P 50,000
Comes with: Passbook
Interest Rate*: 0.125%
- Interest is credited every month-end and subject to 20% withholding tax
- The regular savings account rate shall be applied for accounts with more than two (2) withdrawals per month
* Interest may vary based on ADAB maintained and number of withdrawals made during the month, subject to certain conditions. Check the rates with your nearest Chinabank branch.
Deposits are insured by PDIC up to P500,000 per depositor.
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